Hi, I'm sorry for going on and on about this website, but I do start to anticipate those days where I can work on it
As for this website, while I could keep adding new pages for this whole website (which I will do in time) I want first simplify adding new posts
This won't be suprising but this is how I am currently making these (yes with in-website editor) and while it's not currently bad, longterm having this unorganised (and big) will just bring problems
I want to move all there posts into a separate file where a script will read from it. All of this will be client sided -_- (since it's js), and I'm not currently planning to move to premium subscribtion even if I find it of a reasonable price, now is just not the time.
That's all for today, have a great Saturday
I'm sorry for doing this awful thing that is lying... ;-;
I added an update for this webisite on an odd day of the week when I clearly said I would do it on even ones
I really hope that you forgive me
I LIED!!! This page also will be about this website.
This page will be more about my random thoughts that stuff that is happening to me that what has happened to this website
Now about topic about the topic of this entry, this website will be something like a learning experience for me. While I know how to write a webiste (because school taught me that) I don't know how to organise a project. This will be something to help me with that.
I want to systematically update this website, move stuff in it and make it much less of a pain when it will grow large, but at the same time this will website will be my thoughts dump because even more important is to keep my website "mine", I want to like it myself.
I planned to update this website daily but even at the beginning I found this impossible (I already skipped 2 days ;P) so I'll make the calendar for it, i think every even day of week will be alright.
That's all for the today have a nice day o/